I got rid of influenza. I feel in better shape and in better mood. It seems as if my eczema and allergy has perished.


I got less coughs, got rid of colds, influenza. I am not so much troubled by mosquito bites as I used to be.


Earlier on, I had 15-20 Herpes sores a year each with the duration of 7-14 days. I have no sores. Less coughs, got rid of colds, bronchitis, influenza, pneumonia and respiratory infections. I feel in better shape and in better mood. At present, I can say that I have not had any colds this winter. I started with 5 tablets a day (with omega-3 fat acids:2 capsules). One has to a bit patient. After approx. 6 months with 5 tablets I reduced my daily intake to 2 tablets, which I still use.
I have the diagnosis asthmatic bronchitis + I am allergic. Both my inhalator and my allergy pills I have put “in the bottom of my drawer”. I have felt Herpes simplex 2 times during the last year as a small heated spot and soreness in my right cheek. (My nose, cheek, mouth/chin earlier had sores at the right hand side). I got penicillin for these sores earlier but I gave me an allergic reaction.