Through several decades scientifically nutritional researchers have advised people to use more fruit and vegetables based on their knowledge of diseases and the absence of sufficient nutrition. A concept like “The Mediterranean diet” is an expression of this. In other parts of the world one has done identical research. By the research studies scientists have given their advices which are now forwarded by WHO and UN and which also Avant-Garden is an expression of.

Avant-Garden is a concentrate and a combination from the most exquisite vegetables with the best characteristics which has ever been registered through this research.


I feel in better shape and the mood and my life quality have improved. I have not had pneumonia since I started to use seal oil and Avant-Garden. I have arthritis and used to have a lot of pneumonia earlier on. I also have asthma, now my breath is in 65 while it earlier was 35-45, so I have a much better life now. Thank you.