From Avant-Garden Ltd. : There are no dangerous substances in Avant-Garden so all women may strengthen their own and theirs baby’s health, both pregnant and breastfeeding. Mothers with small children who easily may get a contagion of cold or influenza would also benefit from Avant-Garden. Children may have 1 tablet of Avant-Garden for each 20 kg. of body weight. If the child is 10 kg. ½ of a tablet is used and if the child is 5 kg. use ¼ of a tablet. Crush the tablets with a tablespoon to a fine powder to avoid any danger of suffocation of small children, and then mix it into the food, olive oil or cod liver oil and preferably take it for breakfast. Use the same amount for dinner if an infection is difficult to get rid of. When the problem is over, return to the normal dose.
I have less coughs, got rid of bronchitis, in better shape and in better mood. I got rid of my urinary infection, Herpes type 1 and colds. I have not been sick this winter my doctor mentioned it.
I have used Avant-Garden since the autumn of 2002 and I am free from my colds. I had to try to do something because I have had constantly colds for the 2 last winters. I am also free of my urinary infection, which has been a major torment to me. Mosquito bites have not bothered me at all this summer.