I got he diagnose of lymph cancer and get cytotoxin treatment every 3 weeks. After my first treatment, my entire immune system defence collapsed completely and I had to go to the hospital to have an antibiotic treatment. During my later treatments, I have included Neupotgen shots to keep up my white thrombocytes and improving my immune defence system. I still got a fever and another stay at the hospital with a penicillin treatment. After each cytotoxin treatment, the infection risk is imminent from day 6-7 and to day 15. I always get problems with my throat and temperature risings in my body.

6 days after the 4th treatment, I received Avant-Garden and immediately started with full dose. This time I made it without going to hospital etc. and after day 15, my condition improved. After my 5th treatment, the same happened. I now am in my week no. 6 of my cytotoxin treatment, have just bought another box of Avant-Garden, and feel that I will do just fine. After my 6th treatment my blood samples showed low infection levels but I still took full dose of Avant-Garden and when I got to Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen, Norway, for my treatment no. 7, my blood samples were fine.


(From Avant-Garden Ltd.: This patient is after another 6 months time finished with the cytotoxin treatments and is totally free of the lymph cancer. After a period of 2 to 5 years, he will know if this is a permanent situation.

It is of vital importance to be free of any infections between the cytotoxin- and the radiation treatments. The overall general condition is the basis for the treatments to be fully successful.

Both prostate, breasts, liver and lymph cancer patients have by the help from Avant-Garden, achieve that their time between the treatments have been infection free and have given them a much better way of living.)


Dear Endre Vik

I started with Avant-Garden to improve my immune defence system defence.

I am a diabetic and use insulin and Glucopharge tablets. The Glucopharge stimulates the body to make a better use of the insulin. After I started to use Avant-Garden, I did not need so much insulin. My common sense told me that Avant-Garden possibly had taken the job from the Glucopharge so I stopped taking the Glucopharge tablets and I have not increased my insulin dose since.

I have also used Marevan due to my high level of cholesterol. After I got some presumed side effect of stinging under my skin, I stopped taking Marevan (in accordance with my doctor). I have not started with any other cholesterol suppression medicine later and the level of my cholesterol has not increased.

I have a lot of wear and tear in all of my finger joints. The joints have now softened, the swellings are smaller and I may stretch my fingers more than I have ever been able to for many years.

I hope that this information is of great value to you and I cannot understand anything else than that Avant-Garden must take all the credit.


I have 12+ Herpes sores every year each lasting for 14 days. I take 3 tablets for breakfast and 4 for dinner.

I just had an operation of cancer in my breasts and am due to cytotoxin and radiation treatments in the following 6 months time and I hope these tablets will strengthen my immune defence system. I take my tablets together with cod liver oil after advice from Endre Vik.



From Avant-Garden Ltd.: In a period with a weaker immune defence system men may have an infection in the prostate leading to a non-controlled leakage and this often develops into cancer.

We have several feedbacks confirming that Avant-Garden has had a protective and good effect on the prostate so that it has went back to its normal size with a regular condition. We also have information about cancer detected by doctors, have disappeared after the use of Avant-Garden at the same time as their infection has reversed. Recent medical research confirms this.

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